Todd Pynch, Executive Chaplain
cell: 503-932-1314
work: 503-763-8522
Crisis Chaplaincy Services
11131 County Road 1534
Ada, OK 74820
click here for map/directions

Todd has served as a chaplain since 1997. He first started as a volunteer chaplain with the Benton County Sheriff's Office in Corvallis, Oregon.  In January 2003, Todd founded Crisis Chaplaincy Services and he continues to serve as our Executive Chaplain.  Todd has received extensive training in critical incident stress management and has served on peer support teams for various agencies in the Willamette Valley. He is currently recognized as a Master Chaplain with the International Conference of Police Chaplains (ICPC).

Because of his training and experience in crisis intervention, Todd is a part-time instructor at Chemeketa Community College. He also regularly teaches seminars on a variety of topics for emergency service agencies, churches, and civic organizations. After the attack on our Country on 09/11, Todd was a responder to Ground Zero.

Todd has been involved in emergency services since 1975 when he first volunteered as a Cadet with the Stayton Police Department.  He later worked with the Oregon State Police for 2 1/2 years. He also served as a Reserve Deputy with the Benton County Sheriff's Office during the time that he was a volunteer Chaplain there.

Todd was born and raised right here in the Willamette Valley. He has been married to his wife, Martha, since February 1983 and they have two adult children. After graduating from Stayton High School in 1977, he then attended Western Baptist College in Salem and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in pastoral ministries in 1987. In 2015, Todd decided to head back to school and get his Master's Degree in clinical mental health counseling. He currently is in the final stages of completing his program and will soon be licensed as a professional counselor.

After Todd & Martha were married, they spent 17 years in the ministry. Thirteen of those years were spent at Northside Church in Corvallis where Todd served as the Senior Pastor. Because of a deep desire to serve emergency service workers full time, Todd resigned as the pastor of his church in December 2002 and he and his family took a huge leap of faith in starting Crisis Chaplaincy Services. God has honored their commitment and the work of the chaplaincy continues to grow.